Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Louisiana Arts and Science Museum

 LASM is a great place to go on a rainy day.
 The kids could spend hours with the golf balls in this contraption.
There were all kinds of fun magnetic toys to play with.

Monday, December 5, 2011

Chicot State Park

 We went to Chicot State Park for Thanksgiving.  The older three had a blast!  H and J got cold a good bit I think.  J was scared of being inside the tent which was unexpected because when it was set up in our yard he enjoyed going in and out.
We stayed two nights and were pretty tired when we got home.  It was very memorable though.

 This is the trunk of a cypress tree.  The 'stumps' are the 'knees' of the tree.  The parts of the root that come up for air.
 The lake was down five feet because of low rainfall.
 The older kids really enjoyed the fire.  We cooked sweet potatoes for our thanksgiving meal.  We wrapped them in tin foil and put them straight in the fire.  I wasn't sure how they would turn out or how long they would take to cook.  They tasted better than when I make them in my oven at home.
The Louisiana State Arboretum is in the park.  We took a nice walk through the surprisingly hilly terrain.

Saturday, December 3, 2011

Live Nativity

 The three oldest kids singing in the choir.
 Baby "Jesus" was a real baby about a month old.  He did great and didn't cry for the whole half hour this lasted.
The camel was kind of scary.  He wasn't too sure about being around so many people.  The man leading him is a veterinarian and knew what he was doing.  The camel got a snack every few feet.  I am very thankful nothing happened.  This is the first year the camel has come.  The old regulars were also there, the donkey and half a dozen sheep and goats.
This is J trying to take off with the Magi's gift.