Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Falls and more...

 The kids and the new military man climbed the "big rock"
 Honeoye Falls was running good after a pretty good local rain.
 Cousin T says they build lean-to's to sleep in during military exercises.  G and D just were using Grampa's wood!
 G got a good shot of these lovely birds at the pond at WS Farm.
 Cousin M in the lean-to
Adventures in NY: Falls are rare in LA but lovely in the glacial Finger Lakes.  Green and cool while we were here...  A nice walk with cousin T and his friend C, and Aunt A!  The barn in the background has been converted to a winery.  It was pleasantly cool 50's and 60's during our entire visit!


D and Dad love to play horseshoes. D plays it every single day. G and D like to play baseball together.
                                                      They've gotten pretty good at it. G was hitting about .750 for a bit...  D hits harder but a little less regularly.  But both can hit the small ball with the small bat.  Pretty good!  Two more points...

Grandma's pie and peony

                                               Grandma's pie was delicious!
                                                    Grandma grows beautiful flowers!

Saturday, June 2, 2012

Clean hair

It's not every day the girls get a hair washing, in fact, two or three weeks may go by between proper hair washings.  I thought the girl's eyes were interesting in this picture. 

Memorial Day

Since Steve had the day off for Memorial Day we decided to go kayaking.  What a blessing to be able to go just two blocks away.  Despite the proximity, it is still a monumental effort to get everything packed and unpacked.  We weren't gone longer than two hours though because of the heat.