Friday, January 24, 2014


I know these pictures don't really seem impressive but I've never seen ice like this, we even have mini icicles on the front of our house.  The whole city is quite unprepared, from what I hear, even the interstates are closed.


Snow doesn't come very often this far south so it is an event when it does.  We are enjoying a day off from school. 
This calls for hot chocolate and pancakes (also with chocolate chips).

Tunica Hills

We had a great time during our break for MLK day.  The water was a little cooler than we are used to but the hiking part was very pleasant.  Always good to create fun memories with dear friends.

Chess tournament

D was recently involved in a chess tournament.  Came away losing some and winning some and overall enjoying the experience.

Monday, January 13, 2014


Skating was fun.  The three oldest had been before but for H it was the first time.

These were the first ready, so they headed onto the ice...

and pretty soon they were skating along and having fun...

H got a lot of advice from Dad and sisters, but she eventually got going with her little skate-assist

 A few falls did not deter her...
 And pretty soon she was going on her own!!

Finally the ice got pretty rough and it was time for the Zamboni ice resurfacing machine.  Lots of fun to watch this device drive around grinding and then melting the surface to create new ice... 

Christmas family fun part 1

What a blessing to visit with family at Christmas!  We got just enough snow to have some real fun, then zoomed back to the warmer south.  Thanks to all and Happy New Year!!
 Great to see Grampa Geo and we had a wonderful visit from his sisters.  Lots of fun!!
Also lots of fun with cousin Alli and the crew.  They are somewhat civilized above, but had lots of action sledding and playing in the snow.  Thanks to all

 Not sure what the conversation was, but it looks interesting!!

Monday, January 6, 2014

Angels singing in the city

The live nativity includes live animals, real actors for angels, shepherds, wise men and the holy family.  And singing.  Our little angels did some singing... the camera seems to have picked up an urban theme...  it was a lovely, cold evening and the singing was  a blessing...

Visit from J & H

We so enjoyed a visit from our dear friends Jack and Hilda.  They were volunteering in New Orleans on a service project but got to come visit for several hours one day. Note the background in the group photo - Jack helped with some of the woodwork on their last visit a couple years ago.  Nice work!
What a blessing!  God bless you on your trip back home!