Saturday, April 19, 2014

Color Run and Color Eggs

So the color run is a 5K and G and the girls ran.  Great run, funny idea: do a 5 k starting with a white tshirt, have "color stations" where colored dust/paint is applied, by the end (if you can still breathe), you are tye-died...  They had lots of fun and finished sooner than we expected - they did enjoy the run.  Took a bit more washing to get them all clean...  After watching the race, we dropped by the farmer's market, then home to color eggs with our artist neighbor.  More eggs tomorrow!!

Thanks for the coloring!  Lots of fun.  G did not need an apron to do her coloring...

More fun

More of the new kid...

 Lots of fun, lifting his head with his brothers... First bath in the sink (he really enjoys his bath now!), visiting with friends - what a blessing.  Hope you have a great day!!!  Lots of love!

Spring Flowers

The flowers are just gorgeous in the spring...  Camellias, (growing boys...), pansies and oxalis; azaleas; blueberries, pears, camelia and rose; sweet olive (modest looking but truly the scent of heaven); more camellias and roses.  The pure profusion of sweet smelling and amazingly gorgeous flowers is quite amazing in spring... enjoy!

St Patrick's Day

Well, life goes on, new one or not... We were invited to attend the St Pat's parade with friends...
A big event in Baton Rouge...  many floats and lots of fun. Thanks to friends for hosting and for a grill out after...
The event itself might not actually be endorsed by the famed missionary of Eire... there could have been some alcohol and perhaps even some suggestive antics.  We discussed and escaped when one float had a breakdown... but still overall, a fairly family friendly event and quite an experience...  The basic idea is based on the Mardi Gras float/parade...  most are wheeled carts pulled by pickup trucks...  They have themes but most throw beads, of course with a largely green theme...  walkers keep people back from floats for safety and onlookers try to catch beads or more...

 But most recover and look for more beads.  Some end up with about all they can carry...

New life...

Spring is definitely sprung...
We have been enjoying some of the Christian rites (went to a somber service on Maundy Thursday, with a reading of the night of preparation before Jesus' suffering and death... ending with the closing of the tomb.  We hope to be at the sunrise service Easter morning to celebrate His resurrection and our hope of new life!
We've also been enjoying other "new life" celebrations including the growth of children, flowers, eggs (getting 3 a day from our 3 hens now...) and more...
We'll share these in a few posts.  Here is little D having fun with Mom and brothers...

And some more fun to come

New One

Sorry we've missed you for a bit.  New arrival D is doing well and perhaps we can post a bit of news...

Top, at a few minutes after birth, and below after a few weeks, for a formal photo...
More to come.  We are feeling better, sleeping a bit, so glad to be back.  Hope you are well...