Wednesday, November 26, 2014

More Fall Activities

Lots of fun this year
Weather has been great; no major storms; pretty dry with an early cool snap.  Our flowers are out; camellias are blooming; oranges and satsumas are sweet and we are thankful for our blessings. 
Praying you are blessed also.

 The Lord provides our daily bread (and meat!
 Mom and friends made some new soap - beautiful and fun
 Games are fun but competitive!

 Oranges are plentiful
 Local fruit is tasty: pears (above) and pomegranates (below)

 DB is growing, eating but still enjoys time with Mom
G is developing some Roman News...

Fall Activities

 Fall beauty, natural and influenced by the creative people around us.  Thanks!

 Growing, eating, playing!

 Fall Sweet potato sale is fun!
 Tasty olive-rosemary bread.  Thanks G!

 Playing and eating with friends (wash hands first!)