Friday, May 31, 2013

Boot Dryer

This morning we went trash collecting and found that a neighbor who's moving had a boot dryer.   Basically it's a hair-dryer with pipes coming out of it and you put your shoe on the open pipe and it dries your shoes.                                                                                    -G

Rose in Bloom

                    This is the season for our roses to bloom. Beautiful flowers, really.

Thursday, May 30, 2013


                                      Petunias are quite pretty-especially in Mum's garden.

Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Feeling a Little Ducky

We went kayaking at the lakes today. There are some really beautiful ducks there.

Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Going Shopping

                                         Our chickens normally go shopping in our compost.


A turtle came into our yard today and decided to eat and drink some of the chicken's food. He          
                                                ran away when I walked up to him.                              

Monday, May 27, 2013

Chicken Beauty

A little blurry,sorry. But chickens can be pretty in their own ways. A racoon ate 2 of our chickens last week. Mum was really upset but we're getting a racoon trap from a guy at church.


Some are intentional, others partially so...
The look of the sun on the roof of a church
 A beautiful piece of artwork (more special if you know the artist)
 Something more practical (a plaza of brick to keep us out of the mud) but sometimes with an extra dose of beauty inserted by children or the local flora...
 Or a chance to see a different perspective. 
In all things give thanks to the Maker...

May your eyes be open to inspiration in your life today!

Magnolia Flower

                                              A beautiful Magnolia flower up the street.

Sunday, May 26, 2013


                         A neighbor up the street has a coleus plant in her yard that is very pretty.

Friday, May 24, 2013

Life is happy(and messy with H)

                                           H,G,and D make pocket pizza dough. **     -G , H, and D


Thursday, May 23, 2013

zoo gone batty by g

here is a big bat from the zoo...  just hanging out...
by g

Expressing oneself at home

 Some nice hair and pretty bows...The home has its own decorations...
I love you THIS much...

 The house is getting pretty green...

Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Aerial silks

This class took months, but the skills were pretty impressive...

 Up high, flying with a friend...
 Climbing up takes some muscle, and the techniques with these strong cloths are interesting...
 you can show off a bit, or "tie yourself in knots" and "hang out..."
sometimes it is fun just to look down on the world.  She got strong doing this and I think had some fun based on her expression.

birds fledging

Prothonatary warblers, thrashers and other birds are fledging their babies.... The little things fly so awkwardly and you wonder if they'll make it.  But they have some things on their sides, like camoflage...

 What is he looking at??

Getting closer, can you see something in this picture, it isn't overly obvious...

 There he is, a lovely baby thrasher looking a lot like a branch or twigs...
Hopefully he'll survive and we'll have more of these beauties!

Pansy Picture

                                                        To improve my photography Mum
                                                         wanted me to take a picture a day.
                                                            Today's picture is a pansy that I
                                                                  found in the front yard.    -G

Saturday, May 11, 2013

Lots of excitement in sharing

Every nine weeks the kids do a 'sharing session'.  These are mostly the art, drama, music, dance, pe, and creative writing teachers showing us what the kids have been working on.

Thursday, May 9, 2013


Reading and other bedtime prep are nice ways to wind down...

 We have more and more readers enjoying stories...

Crochet, puzzles and reading are all fun and nice ways to wind down at the end of the day...

Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Latest excitement

More excitement in spring...

A sharing day with G included singing, music, art (some of her work will be in the Summer Show at the Superintendent's Office), and even an outdoor race complete with "Rocky" theme music...

Enjoy 50516164