Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Rural Life Museum

 D and F are watching a lady spin wool into yarn.  Children their age would have done this as a chore.
 D and F are digging in the dirt to make mud bricks.
 Here we are waiting for the paraffin to melt so we can dip candles.  After half an hour and much patient dipping we finally got a half inch diameter candle!!  I do like to just flip a switch.  When my kids say they would have liked to have lived in the time of candles and horses I tell them they may be going back to that again!!  It's not such a simple life, people worked really hard.
Here we are at the brick making table again.

1 comment:

  1. I love this stuff! Maybe when we visit next time we'll be able to see some of this action at the museum.
