Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Niagra Falls

 The falls were extremely cold.  The plus side was that we didn't have to pay for parking and there were no crowds to compete with and no lines to wait in.  Our little one in blue was yelling something like "I want to go back to the car!"  The baby just snuggled in my arms and seemed to go to sleep.  After about ten minutes of this I started becoming concerned but as soon as we stepped into the greed house he perked up and jumped down and started running around.
 This is a green house I remember going to when I was a little girl.  It is on the Canadian side.  Now we know our passports work!!  The green house was incredible and such a contrast from the outdoors which was frozen and dead looking.

The kids were all curious what this thing was so we had to get a picture before telephone booths are all gone.  I'm not sure they had ever seen one before.

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