Friday, February 24, 2012

Eat, drink and be merry.

 I'm not sure why I take so much photos of the kids eating, either it's because we eat frequently, or I have a moment to grab the camera while they are focused on the food, or because they are so cute when they eat.  We baked some pumpkin muffins this morning.  Each of the kids wanted a pumpkin back in October and then my neighbor came over with some big ones.  In past years we have picked up pumpkins that neighbors set out by the road but we didn't do that this year and I'm glad we didn't.  I have fed two pumpkins to the chickens, cooked a couple and still have two large and one small pumpkins.  Wow, good thing they keep for a long time.
Well, we don't drink much wine but we make good use of the wine glasses from Nathanael and Krystal's wedding with smoothies.  The kids love to drink out of the fancy glasses. 

The Ocean

We had fun playing in the sand.  This is H as a mermaid.  It was pretty windy so this at least kept her legs out of the wind.
 Just look at that sky!!  The waves were a little rough to get into the water but the older three had a great time running away from the waves.  As G says "the ocean is actually kind of scary".  Yea, you can say that again.  It's also very beautiful.

Fort Christmas

 The kids had a great time looking at things from the "olden days".  Sometimes they express the desire to have lived "back then" and how much fun it would have been to make all your own stuff.  I keep telling them that life was actually very difficult and maybe it isn't so much fun when you have to make your own stuff.  It's a lot more fun when you make things as a hobby.
 The vents were blowing air up and the girls had a great time standing on top of them.
This is the front of the fort.  It was built to secure the land for the Europeans.  It was only used as a fort for a few months because the natives fled.

Picnic with family

We took a whirlwind trip to visit family.  It was very busy but we had a great time.

Spring in Baton Rouge

 It's been raining a lot here lately so the crawfish are coming up.  This was an exceptionally large mound.  Crawfish season will be here in just another month.
 Pink perfection.
Spring also brings LSU gymnastics.  We try to make it at least once each year but the night gets a bit late so the next day is rough.

Friday, February 3, 2012


The kids love to read and it's wonderful when an older child will read to a younger one.

Blood oranges

We found a new orange at our local produce stand.   It's called a blood orange but the kids renamed it cran-orange because they don't like the name blood orange.  It is very sweet and makes a beautiful juice.

Rainy days