Friday, February 24, 2012

Eat, drink and be merry.

 I'm not sure why I take so much photos of the kids eating, either it's because we eat frequently, or I have a moment to grab the camera while they are focused on the food, or because they are so cute when they eat.  We baked some pumpkin muffins this morning.  Each of the kids wanted a pumpkin back in October and then my neighbor came over with some big ones.  In past years we have picked up pumpkins that neighbors set out by the road but we didn't do that this year and I'm glad we didn't.  I have fed two pumpkins to the chickens, cooked a couple and still have two large and one small pumpkins.  Wow, good thing they keep for a long time.
Well, we don't drink much wine but we make good use of the wine glasses from Nathanael and Krystal's wedding with smoothies.  The kids love to drink out of the fancy glasses. 

1 comment:

  1. Yummy! I love these pumpkin muffins:
