Monday, March 5, 2012


This is spring here.  The whole yard is beautiful right now with everything in bloom.  Some things are actually setting fruit already like our figs and our loquats.
The mosquitoes are thick and swarm all around since we have had no significant freeze this year.  We are hoping that the anoles will keep them in check.  We also have strong suspicions that we have bats in one of our trees with a hollow knot.  This though, I'm experimenting with marigolds as a natural repellent.  I have some planted next to door ways to try to discourage mosquitoes from entering the house.

 These are the pears.  They are just starting.  Let's hope both trees bloom at the same time.
 Sorry this is a little blurry but our whole orange tree is in bloom.  It can be smelled from several feet away.
This one is also really blurry.  These are the blueberries.  The bees just love these bushes.

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