Thursday, September 20, 2012

Coastal Research

Having a lot of fun with coastal research.  Great trip to the coast, Rockefeller Wildlife Refuge, today.

Some photos and other info here:
 A friendly gator (we saw two gators and multiple dolphins, as well as amazing birds, fish...)
 LA-08 CWPPRA project used bioengineered rings to protect the coast near Rockefeller.  Growth is minimal so far.
 A beautiful oak or "chene" in French, helps define this coastal chenier ridge.
These folks are creative and optimistic - this place managed to have the car on the second floor, courtesy a hand built ramp composed of welded pipe and beams.  The figs, oranges and other plants were lovely as well.  Owner Dale invited us in to see the cypress lined interior and enjoy the 
 hummingbirds and grazing cows from the back porch.  

Suffice it to say that, while the Louisiana and Gulf coast are very rich in resources, both biological (fish, oysters...) and economic (shipping, oil...), not all of that wealth translates to the locals or ultimately helps protect the coast.  We are trying to find novel ways to value and protect the coast.

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