Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Trip to Rockefeller Wildlife Refuge Louisiana

 We had a fun visit to Rockefeller Wildlife Refuge in western Louisiana.  This is really off the beaten track but a fascinating place to see beautiful birds, fish, crabs, and of course alligators and dolphins.
 These "oysterbreak" rings protect the shore and grow stronger by harboring oysters and other organisms.  They should also enhance the local ecology.
 Our friend Jim enjoyed this lovely coastal home - we thought it was beautiful from the outside, and the owner invited us in.  You can drive your car up to the second floor.  It is solid and beautiful.
 Old crab traps can be coated with concrete to encourage oyster growth, which should protect the coast and allow growth of coastal plants like those below.
Spartina alterniflora is a coastal plant "smooth cord grass" that grows well and provides habitat as well as protecting coastal soils. We are trying to encourage natural methods to protect the coast.

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