Thursday, March 14, 2013

swinging and jumping

Lots of fun playing in the neighborhood...

A wild redhead figures prominently in this series...  She was having a good day!

The hair tends to get a bit of a life of its own via static electricity and the zero-g effect...

Hope you have a great day!

Monday, March 11, 2013


Ah the humanity! Cutting hair is always a bit of an event. 

Cutting that pesky hair is a bit scary, but it helps us to see and we are happy afterward!

Sunday, March 10, 2013

Spring in BR

Lots of action as things come alive.  We are planting in the garden (peas, lettuce, mint are all up and looking good...)

Some others are popping up!  G and her hydroponic project involved most of the crew...

 Jumping and playing is a lot of fun.  The park has some new toys including the "big rope" below; while the neighbor got a new trampoline which we enjoy when the bayou is not too high! 
Playing at the park is fun...

Fox and coyote!

Well, spring has sprung... All the new activities and growth are getting going.  The chicks we mentioned are but the latest (and pretty loud when they want to be...)

Last week, there was a frost, so I got up early to water some plants and reduce the frost damage.  While I was doing this, a coyote emerged at the end of the lane, just across the street from our house...
He saw me and retreated but he was a beauty.  Small to mid-size but with good hair and health, perhaps a yearling? 
So the next morning, I woke up early again but that morning I saw a fox.  At least I had the camera but the zoom was not so great, especially in low light.  Again, a good looking animal, and pretty big and well fed for a fox.  Beautiful red with white tail.  Take a look.  I've been looking again but have not seen either since...


new chicks!

Well, it's that time of year and the new chicks have arrived.  Tiny!

They will be big in just a few months but for now we have to keep them alive...  Good experience on caring...  I don't usually think of J and H as very big but take a look...  Happy Spring!