Sunday, July 14, 2013

Family time

Had a great visit with several parts of the family.  Thanks to all!

 H enjoyed the berries with some uncles...
 cousins, grandpa...
 the whole crew.  We are keeping cousin T in our prayers...
 A little silly with the cousins...
 Lots of beautiful girls!
 and surprisingly strong.  Hold on!
Hmm... the boys got a ride for a bit...  Lots of fun, happy summer, lots of love from the Finger Lakes...

Saturday, July 13, 2013

Glad to be home

We had a great time visiting family on both sides, north and south, friends old and new, but are glad to be home.  There's no place like home.  It is warm (Louisiana) but not too humid now.  Thanks to all who shared with us and blessings to all!

Sunday, July 7, 2013


Well, maybe it doesn't mean much (except our car has a few miles!), but we had to stop when we got to 123456 on the odometer. 

 Somewhere near Hamilton Ontario Canada.  Lake Ontario was nearby... Then on we went...

New York

 We had fun with grandparents, cousins, aunts, uncles and friends in New York.
 reading, telling stories, playing ball and picking berries were all fun.

Riding a real fire engine

 Each one had fun

Afterwards, we had ice cream and looked at the beautiful swans in the Stratford waters (home of the Shakespeare festival)  Thanks to our wonderful hosts.

Saturday, July 6, 2013

H's Face

It has to be yummy if it's on her face!!!

Niagara Falls

 Lamp post on the falls


Camping in style

 Lots of work picking, then cleaning and working on strawberries, but they sure were good!

Monday, July 1, 2013

Enjoying God's good creation

For the beauty of the earth...  these words from the old hymn remind us of the book of God's creation.  Last night, Dr. Dan gave us some wisdom at vespers: a discussion of the two books of God: His special revelation (scripture), and His revelation through creation.  Psalm 19 reminds us of this "natural revelation", "The heavens declare the glory of God and the firmament shows His handiwork"...

 Sometimes it is fun to see how we "fit" in with God's other creatures; other times, it is remarkable to just enjoy the beauty of the trees soaring toward the sky

 Part of the fun is discovering, or as Johann Kepler said, "thinking God's thoughts after Him"...  These young people respond in wonderful ways to the beauty and wonder around them...
And others are growing their young.  To be fruitful seems to be a Biblical imperative, but further inspection suggests that we are to allow for (and indeed, encourage) other creatures to be fruitful as well, and to enjoy that process.  Hope you are having a wonder-full day.

Christians caring for creation

A unique calling, feeling that the Lord is guiding us to care for His creation.  Genesis 2:15 describes God "placing A'dam in the garden to shmar and abahd the garden".  It appears this is our original vocation: tending and keeping, or, "protect and serve" the creation.  This is also a unique story, as we met at a place that specializes in this, the Au Sable Institute ( over a decade ago.  We are back, visiting, seeing old friends and enjoying God's good creation, with loons on the lake, walks in the woods, kayaking in handmade wooden kayaks and enjoying sustainable foods grown at local CSAs (consumer supported agriculture), in some cases organic, milk from Shetlers dairy noted below, that focuses on pasture fed sustainable dairy techniques.  The cows looked happy.  Still, it is sometimes a struggle explaining to city folk or more profit oriented folks that we are a sort of modern "prophet-oriented" type.  Prophecy, in its best sense is not so much predicting the future but speaking truth into the present.  And some of that truth is that we must find ways to change, we must repent of our excess consuming, of our unsustainable imposition on the land, water and air, or we will ultimately suffer the consequences.  That is a hard sell in some "conservative" churches, but here, people understand, and the pace of life slows down in a most enjoyable way.


 Climbing to the top......
 It's dizzying to look down......

The entrance of Shetlers Dairy Farm.........                                                                      -G