Monday, July 1, 2013

Enjoying God's good creation

For the beauty of the earth...  these words from the old hymn remind us of the book of God's creation.  Last night, Dr. Dan gave us some wisdom at vespers: a discussion of the two books of God: His special revelation (scripture), and His revelation through creation.  Psalm 19 reminds us of this "natural revelation", "The heavens declare the glory of God and the firmament shows His handiwork"...

 Sometimes it is fun to see how we "fit" in with God's other creatures; other times, it is remarkable to just enjoy the beauty of the trees soaring toward the sky

 Part of the fun is discovering, or as Johann Kepler said, "thinking God's thoughts after Him"...  These young people respond in wonderful ways to the beauty and wonder around them...
And others are growing their young.  To be fruitful seems to be a Biblical imperative, but further inspection suggests that we are to allow for (and indeed, encourage) other creatures to be fruitful as well, and to enjoy that process.  Hope you are having a wonder-full day.

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