Saturday, September 28, 2013

The Zoo of Plants

I'm having trouble with my cabbage. I keep on finding mini worms underneath the leaves.

I can't tell for certain,but I'm pretty sure it's okra.
                                                     Rosemary,from the farmers market.
                                                  Strawberries,which have not yet grown.
                                        My mystery flower,bought at the farmer's market.
                            On the left side are my peas,right side is my 2 different kind of beans!
                                    I'm not sure if it is going to grow,but this is my pineapple.
   My cucumbers! there are 2,actually.If you look very closely on the left side there is a miniscule                                                               cucumber just growing.

Saturday, September 21, 2013

Reptile season

This turtle got confused and climbed up into the shed, looking for a place to lay eggs??  Sorry but I think you will be happier out where there is a bit of soil!  We also have seen several snakes lately.  I think it is just late summer, last warm gasp and then the age of mammals and birds will be back.  Enjoying a "non tropical storm" of tropical storm magnitude.  We may be paddling in the neighbor;s backyard, water is nearly at the level we experienced with Isaac last year.  That storm did some real damage both south of us and up north.  Hopefully this will only have local impacts.  Our fall gardens and plantings are enjoying the rain. 

Happy Birthday Cousin

G's "twin" cousin was way ahead of the game and sent a lovely gift by mail from up north.  G has been working on this homemade giraffe for some time and finally finished it, so we popped it in the mail, hopefully just in time for delivery by the cousin's bday next week.  Happy Birthday to all!


Happy Birthday G!
Wonderful day.   We started with pancakes for breakfast.  I suddenly realized I was making "cakes" (albeit pan-cakes), so I decided to make lots of birthday pancakes (a total of about 30!), then stacked them and added a couple candles for our first birthday celebration at breakfast. 
So we had fun at breakfast and then we had breakfast (she shared with all and there were plenty to go around. 

Then the fun really began, finishing the "big" birthday cake...
 She designed the cake, then decorated with two kinds of icing, then continued to develop the cake...
Wow, a work of art!
 With help from some friends who showed up at this stage, further decorations were added (skittles) to complete the design...

Then, blow out the candles and let's eat!  (Polka dot theme was pretty lively...)  We had lots of fun at the party!  Of course games and gifts, cake and ice cream, but also some pretty sophisticated crafts, basically baked clayware...
 Constructed, baked, then painted and sealed...  Quite a variety of artwork...  Our dear
Aunt and cousins called at this point...  and we had even more fun...
Lots of fun making stuff.  We finished the birthday by cleaning up and then went out for dinner at our favorite local restaurant, Logan's, where we could make a mess with peanuts on the floor, watch the grillers cook the food and just relax and enjoy.  Now off to bed...  Happy Birthday!

Sunday, September 8, 2013


We got some Wyandotte chicks so are enjoying these little guys.  They hatched out yesterday at our friends' place, so there were a few extras at church today ("So, are you going to Sunday School?  What version of the Bible do you have?"  or... "Hey, a box of chickens, and a dozen real eggs!") Praise the Lord!  You know, the Lord is seen as a mother hen protecting the chicks under her wings in some passages of scripture.  What a great vision of protection...

 now we have to be responsible for these little guys, but we get to witness the miracle of their growth...  Have a great day!


What a strange phenomena we witnessed today...  What does it mean?  Perhaps a wormhole has opened in the couch?  And how did that poor dog get in there.  Will Uncle Doug remind us of adventures of Spam-bear from our childhood??  Tune in next time for more silliness!
What do we hear in the couch??  What is that little white thing coming out??

Or should we say WHO is that??!

One friend deserves another, but how can they fit in the arm of the couch?!

Aren't you glad you stayed to see the final out-come!  Have a great day and be thankful for the space you have!