Saturday, April 28, 2012

Fun at home: Hot cross buns, towers of blocks and even strange tracks on the fishtank.  We enjoy our food, in case you had not noticed.  The children are creative with their toys, but mostly just having fun seeing what they can do.  And the children are always observing.  One morning they asked what the strange zig-zag tracks on the fish tank glass were.  We had to stop and think, but decided the large plecostemus (suckerfish) with his back-and-forth cleaning action, fit the bill.  The sunlight early in the morning gave the right lighting to see the tracks fairly clearly.  We also get to see some refraction and "rainbows" from the sunlight coming through the tank.  The house is rarely boring, but just in case, you can always make funny faces!

1 comment:

  1. Oh, yummy! Makes me want to bake some more hot cross buns!
