Friday, May 4, 2012

Adventures in the restroom

We went to Chimes last night with some students.  I usually am not keen on taking the kids to restaurants, it is much more relaxing at home but it seemed important and I didn't have enough warning to get a babysitter so we all went.
After having visited the restrooms twice already with my other children my three year old declares she now has to go. Upon arriving in the restroom she promptly locks the stall before I can stop her.   I think to myself 'I really hope she can open that'.  But sure enough, she can't and even after several minutes of trying to coach her on how to open it, (you must push the lock only halfway up and then over) - she isn't able to figure it out.  Meanwhile, my one year old has crawled under the stall and is gleefully flushing the toilet, it is one of those that is very loud and there is no wait period between flushes so he got a good twenty or thirty flushes before I could stop him.  The other people in the bathroom are all asking if they could help and I'm thinking 'I just want to be left alone so I can slide under without anyone looking at me.'  Finally all left except one lady who kept asking how she could help.  She did stay to witness me struggle under the door - I console myself thinking I will probably never see her again. 
So I showed H how to open the lock, I just hope she remembers for next time.  Although, at this point I'm thinking we won't go to a restaurant again for a very long time.

1 comment:

  1. Oh, my. I do sympathize. What an unfortunate adventure...
