Monday, July 16, 2012


We came home a couple of weeks ago to several fire trucks on our street.  The family had gone on vacation and some workers were putting a sealant on the floors.  I guess it wasn't ventilated enough and the off-gasses were ignited by the pilot light in a hot water heater.  Nobody was hurt so that is the good news but the fire raged for a at least two hours before the fire-fighters could get it under control.  Even two weeks later you can still smell it from the road, especially after a rain.
It is a reminder to me to hold lightly to worldly possessions which mold and mildew and burn.  And hug my kids a little longer.

1 comment:

  1. "It is a reminder to me to hold lightly to worldly possessions which mold and mildew and burn. And hug my kids a little longer."

