Tuesday, August 28, 2012


 I've started a new project, my first pair of socks.  I've found that it's a nice kind of thing to do at night when I'm too tired to work even on sewing project, this I can just pick up and do a row here and there.
We are awaiting the coming of hurricane Isaac.  He seems to be very slow which is not very good since that means more flooding.  We are prepared to stay inside all day tomorrow.  School was canceled today and tomorrow for the children.  My guess is they won't reopen the schools till the power is on again. 
It was actually a beautiful day today, breezy and partly cloudy.  We had a fun going fishing, playing at the park and visiting with friends.  We are all sleeping in the hallway, middle room, near and under the stairs.  It was so exciting I though maybe they wouldn't go to sleep very easily but they must have been tired out. 
It is predicted that we will loose electricity so if you can't reach us, don't worry, we are probably having fun playing scrabble or boggle or fixing puzzles.

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