Thursday, October 18, 2012

A visit to the coast

The coast of Louisiana is literally washing away.  Sediment that used to build the coast  is now directed out the mouth of the Mississippi.  We are glad to have the tall levees to keep our cities safe from Mississippi River flooding but we are missing that sediment. So we are working to solve the problem.  Unfortunately, the water is rising and the sediment is settling, meaning we have to find ways to actively build the coast.  Prior to hurricane Katrina (2005), people often did not realize the importance of these coastal lands in protecting cities and infrastructure.  But since then, most people are working to help solve the problem.  We are working with bioengineered reefs to literally grow the coast: oysters grow and reduce wave energy, protecting the coast and helping build coastal land.  Plants can grow in these protected areas, further growing the coast.  These rings are about 5 feet across and weigh one ton each.
 Our friend Jim likes this airboat that can go on water or even right over fragile coastal plants.
 The Rockefeller Refuge provides a location to study coastal denizens from birds and alligators to shrimp and oysters, as well as coastal plants.  What a beautiful place!
Well, enjoy your day at the coast.  And enjoy the coast and take care of this endangered ecosystem.

1 comment:

  1. Those are huge rings! I hope that they successfully start holding in sediment.
