Sunday, April 14, 2013

Caterpillar Season!

Caterpillars have arrived as usual.  We have a large variety, but the most common are the tent caterpillar and the most feared are the black "spiky" variety that can leave a serious sting...

 Many more are the tent caterpillars as shown above and below.  A few years ago these were so numerous they ate all the leaves off several of our gum trees.  As you can see they come in great numbers.  We try to discourage them a bit, but are not too worried.  They "trim" the gum trees (we are not in love with these trees anyway) and the oak trees (we like these more), but generally the trees can grow back their leaves.  They also mark the season and they are about on time...
 We prefer they not harm our "desirable" plants like this wisteria or the lettuce in the garden.  They often keep climbing to the trees.  One more sign of the season of spring.

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