Wednesday, November 26, 2014

More Fall Activities

Lots of fun this year
Weather has been great; no major storms; pretty dry with an early cool snap.  Our flowers are out; camellias are blooming; oranges and satsumas are sweet and we are thankful for our blessings. 
Praying you are blessed also.

 The Lord provides our daily bread (and meat!
 Mom and friends made some new soap - beautiful and fun
 Games are fun but competitive!

 Oranges are plentiful
 Local fruit is tasty: pears (above) and pomegranates (below)

 DB is growing, eating but still enjoys time with Mom
G is developing some Roman News...

Fall Activities

 Fall beauty, natural and influenced by the creative people around us.  Thanks!

 Growing, eating, playing!

 Fall Sweet potato sale is fun!
 Tasty olive-rosemary bread.  Thanks G!

 Playing and eating with friends (wash hands first!)

Thursday, August 21, 2014

G's blog

I finally got my own blog ! I have been asking for one for a while now and then I needed a link for the patterns I put on ravelry. Here's the link-)my blog

Thursday, August 14, 2014

Walk in the woods

 We enjoyed our visit at Au Sable, a Christian environmental studies center, and a walk with cousins and Oma and Opa.  Beautiful!

Summer Adventures: Lake Michigan

Lots of fun swimming with cousins in (cold!!) Lake Michigan.  We wondered why it seemed so cold and then they said Lake Superior just finished melting the last ice two weeks before!  Maybe it was a bit cold!

Summer Adventures: Illinois

A great pleasure to visit our friends in their A-frame in the Illinois woods.  Lots of fun to play with their kids...  And some great food and fellowship as well...  Thanks!!

Friday, August 1, 2014

3-D Printing at the Library

I think I probubly should have done this before because I got it more than a month ago,but I never really did. Anyway, at the library they have 3-D printing at the library so I found a really cool pattern on  Tinkercad and decided I'd try it . This print was only about $3.00 and was really easy.

New Guinea Pig!!!

 Today while our chickens where sitting out in the rain,we went to Petco ( to get a new guinea pig!! We were going to get two, but one was pretty old ,one was so scared she started squealing as soon as the employee picked her up , and one had ringworm. So they are going to send the one with ring worm to the vet and then call us when she's done so we can go pick her up.
 We had a lot of fun decorating the outside of the cage.( Mom also cut heart-shaped windows.)
 I think she was a little scared by the camera,but you can't blame her because she's still only a baby ,just a few months old.I named her Ice.
 This is the inside of the house. She has two rooms :one light and one dark (for sleeping).
 Ice even has a door to get from one room to another.

Wednesday, July 23, 2014

Long Time!!!

It's been the longest time since I've written on this blog. We didn't bring our computer on the trip,which is part of it but also because we just never get around to it.So here are some pictures from our very first stop on our trip.

 Dessert!!! Yum! Cherries and other sweet fruits are delicious especially when it gets all over your face!!!

Saturday, May 31, 2014

family events

Sometimes it is nice to just spend time together as a family...

What a blessing!

 Great to have J&S visit with the family.  Miracle boy loves a hug from G.  Looking great!

 Fun at school and artistic breakfast pancakes.  Keep smiling!!

Friday, May 23, 2014

Fun in the yard

 Took a little while, but by the time Mom got back, it was all done but chopping it up...

 Soccer or street surfing...
 Keep chopping lumberjill...
Good job!!
keep smiling, love, us!