Friday, August 1, 2014

New Guinea Pig!!!

 Today while our chickens where sitting out in the rain,we went to Petco ( to get a new guinea pig!! We were going to get two, but one was pretty old ,one was so scared she started squealing as soon as the employee picked her up , and one had ringworm. So they are going to send the one with ring worm to the vet and then call us when she's done so we can go pick her up.
 We had a lot of fun decorating the outside of the cage.( Mom also cut heart-shaped windows.)
 I think she was a little scared by the camera,but you can't blame her because she's still only a baby ,just a few months old.I named her Ice.
 This is the inside of the house. She has two rooms :one light and one dark (for sleeping).
 Ice even has a door to get from one room to another.

H was very proud of her ladybug that she painted. I thought maybe I should put it up.

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