Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Kitchen help

 My kids love to help in the kitchen.  Making pizza has become a Friday night ritual.  Utensils are not a favorite for our kids so we call it 'finger Friday'.
G is helping put granola into jars.



 These are my little helpers.  I've been working on these beds for the past three weeks, mostly during nap time but I also hired a baby sitter for part of it when I was using power tools.  I made most of it outside in the shed so I could keep it as a surprise and then assembled it inside.  I got the pattern from Anna White's website.
 Here J is enjoying walking 'in' the bed.
This is the finished product.  Now I have to work on getting the girls to make their beds every morning.

Friday, September 16, 2011

Fall has arrived!!

 These beauties are Hurricane Lilies.  They put on a pretty show but only for two or three days.  I found what seemed to be about 100 bulbs planted around one of our oak trees last year.  I dug them up and transplanted them all around our yard.  My guess is that about thirty of them came up and they are still popping up out of the ground!  The chickens ate about three of them before I was realized what they were doing and locked them in their coop.  They may have to stay in their coop for a while until the garden is more established.
J did more damage, he snapped at least seven flowers.

With cooler mornings comes the fall garden!!  We probably won't have a hard freeze till January and we aren't having as many 90 degree days so the lettuce, peas, and beans will do better.

The 'new' kitchen

H loves to dance in her tutu.

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Pear sauce

Our pears all became ripe at the same time and although the kids enjoyed chewing on them they really are meant for cooking and make a delicious pear sauce. 


We have discovered a new snack that at least the adults like.  I take fresh kale, trim the stems off since they don't crisp up nicely, sprinkle salt on them, then pop them in the oven on 350 degrees for 15 minutes. 

We love reading!!

Labor Day

Saturday, September 3, 2011

Tropical Storm Lee

Well Lee is a friendly one - 5 inches of water for the plants this morning, and more tonight.  But mostly pretty tame, a few gusts of wind but mostly a calm day.  We'll see about tomorrow.  A good day to blog.  Stay safe and blessings to all!

D lost a tooth!!

J playing with water

We had a lot of fun watering plants in a museum in Ohio.