Friday, September 16, 2011

Fall has arrived!!

 These beauties are Hurricane Lilies.  They put on a pretty show but only for two or three days.  I found what seemed to be about 100 bulbs planted around one of our oak trees last year.  I dug them up and transplanted them all around our yard.  My guess is that about thirty of them came up and they are still popping up out of the ground!  The chickens ate about three of them before I was realized what they were doing and locked them in their coop.  They may have to stay in their coop for a while until the garden is more established.
J did more damage, he snapped at least seven flowers.

With cooler mornings comes the fall garden!!  We probably won't have a hard freeze till January and we aren't having as many 90 degree days so the lettuce, peas, and beans will do better.

1 comment:

  1. Beautiful lilies and the kids look like life is good. How nice to have a fall garden. We are preserving up all our local food before the frosts come. The leaves are already starting to change and fall, but with our 70 degree weather, it doesn't quite feel like it should be autumn!
