Friday, April 6, 2012

Clark's Creek Hiking on Good Friday

Good Friday is both a thought provoking Christian holiday and an opportunity to appreciate a bit of God's good creation.  We headed to Clark's Creek Natural Area near the Mississippi-Louisiana border.  We have found this little area has about as much vertical relief as any other place in the region.  After the recent rains and hail, we knew the waterfalls would be flowing nicely.  The day started out cool - about 57 F, great hiking weather, although by midday, it was typically warm.  We were tired, wet, muddy and sweaty by the time we returned from our tour of three waterfalls and the rocky streams and hills between.  H and J even walked most of the way, but they both got a good nap on the way home.


  1. This looks like a great time together! Happy Easter!

  2. What a lovely way to celebrate such a special day for us all. The pictures are beautiful, and what strong little legs to make the walk. We hope to find some waterfalls in the Drakensberg mountains when we are in KwaZulu-Natal.

    Our church here in Skukuza has a service on Good Friday, but not on Easter so that families can enjoy the day together. It is a four-day weekend here in RSA, so most people travel and spend time with family. We had our own Kiker house church this morning and enjoyed the time together, just us. Hope you have a good day of celebrating with all your young people.

