Thursday, April 19, 2012

More caterpillars


I had to put up another picture of the stinging caterpillar because they are so beautiful. They change every few days and get more colorful as they get bigger.   Every one of the children has now been stung this season.
I should do more research on the caterpillar pictured on the bottom.  I just call them the alien caterpillars.  When our oldest started coming in contact with caterpillars I thought this one was harmless - until one morning when she woke with most of her torso and parts of her arms, legs and neck covered in a rash.  I panicked and took her to the doctor where I was calmly told that it is just a virus carried by this caterpillar and there is nothing that can be done except to keep them from itching.  Well, every one of my kids has also had this rash as well, at least I think they are immune once they've had this and they shouldn't get the rash again.

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