Thursday, February 28, 2013


On a recent trip to Nashville, the "other kids" (students) enjoyed a visit to the Country Music Capital (and some good professional interactions on water quality/aquaculture...)

 Professional discussions; beautiful moon and buildings (ATT building looks like batman)
Note Ryman auditorium ("Grand Old Opry") in foreground, looks like a church.

 Jack's barbeque, worth the wait...  The group at the country music museum and Hall of Fame...

 Interesting architecture... (Predator's stadium, visitor center, ATT building, our hotel in background...)

 Ryman auditorium was right out our back door...
 Fun with submarines... and a bit of relaxation and discussion at the local country music place...  four continents represented among our little group...

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

"Normal" Days

Well, we try to have "normal days" most times - doing our homework, working the regular job, doing the regular activities...
 So we get up early and sometimes it pays off with a red sunrise...  Pretty cool for the "early birds"...
We try to eat healthy, but some days we have a "whale" of a breakfast...

What is she looking at? (and where did she get that hairstyle?)

 Nice neighbor, the barred owl...
 Having a bit of fun in our play area...
 Always a cooking adventure, in this case orange rind candy...

 Yes, do your homework...  The science fair gave us an excuse to eat quite a bit of popcorn...

 Learning from local law enforcement about how to protect children...

Hope you have a great day!

Fun Illusions

How do we look?  Having fun trying to look taller or stouter...

Stand on your toes, wear vertical stripes and look like a supermodel...

Or plump up and have fun!

Some got a little "bent out of shape" - interesting camera effect...

We'll all get "back in shape" shortly.

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Ready for visitors

We've been working on some gravel and grass, and one objective has been to provide space for a large vehicle (RV) in case someone would want to visit and need a space.  So here it is.  To give you some aspect of size, D's wingspan is close to 4 feet, so there should be room to park.  The shade is nice and there is power nearby.  Of course, this is a nice time to visit BR - with azaleas and camellias blooming...

Come and visit!

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Wedding Reprise

Well, it was awhile ago, but we found a few photos.

 We had a southern wedding (LA) and a northern wedding (MI), through the grace of wonderful friends... and we pretty much partied for the week in between.  A bit more modest than the old "castle" weddings of Europe, but a lot of fun.  Dear Mitzi found out about our miniwedding in BR and insisted on expanding the process...
And there is Mitzi with some other lovely friends...

 It was a fun and civilized time with our southern and university friends.  Then we headed north...

 Same suit, same dress, but quite a different set of friends.  In fact, there was only one BR representative (thanks Kyla)
Lots of relatives (Ben and Maddie)...
 We cooked and ate together...

 Played in the woods...

 Enjoyed the young children (who are young adults now, driving, working, traveling...)

 We stayed in cabins and walked in the chilly air to the wedding...
 Danced in the woods...
And enjoyed the blessings of many friends...  Well, good memories, glad we found a few and hope you enjoy the memories.  It has been a very good decade and we are thankful for the wonderful family and friends and the new memories we've made.  Blessings to all.

Happy New Year

 It is so good to be home!
We are relaxing at Mardi Gras (the girls had a parade at school, we get a day off...)

So breakfast by candlelight, some healthy reminders of Mexico (toronja), and the beauty of a Louisiana spring...

 The "new look" is a repeat of a photo from years ago.  I'll try to dig up the original - quite a difference!  We had some earthwork done (this time our friend drove the front end loader, smoothing the yard but leaving quite a bit of mud.  We spread a couple pallets of grass and about 8 tons of gravel...
 J enjoys the flower petals and Mexican tiles.  We had a cookout here the other night - nice venue...

 The new look - and we hope improved drainage that will eventually lead to reduced mud, but for now has actually increased the "soggy factor"...  just in time for some nice spring storms...  but the plants are happy.