Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Happy New Year

 It is so good to be home!
We are relaxing at Mardi Gras (the girls had a parade at school, we get a day off...)

So breakfast by candlelight, some healthy reminders of Mexico (toronja), and the beauty of a Louisiana spring...

 The "new look" is a repeat of a photo from years ago.  I'll try to dig up the original - quite a difference!  We had some earthwork done (this time our friend drove the front end loader, smoothing the yard but leaving quite a bit of mud.  We spread a couple pallets of grass and about 8 tons of gravel...
 J enjoys the flower petals and Mexican tiles.  We had a cookout here the other night - nice venue...

 The new look - and we hope improved drainage that will eventually lead to reduced mud, but for now has actually increased the "soggy factor"...  just in time for some nice spring storms...  but the plants are happy.


  1. Mardi Gras break! Last year you were here. Hope we get to seen you again sometime soon.

    1. Yes, we remember that too. We seriously considered visiting you again this year but decided to give you a bit longer to adjust to your new 'normal'.

  2. That is a lot of work and a lot of gravel! I hope things dry up for you a bit so you can see if your results are as wanted. Wish you could send some of that moisture our way.
