Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Wedding Reprise

Well, it was awhile ago, but we found a few photos.

 We had a southern wedding (LA) and a northern wedding (MI), through the grace of wonderful friends... and we pretty much partied for the week in between.  A bit more modest than the old "castle" weddings of Europe, but a lot of fun.  Dear Mitzi found out about our miniwedding in BR and insisted on expanding the process...
And there is Mitzi with some other lovely friends...

 It was a fun and civilized time with our southern and university friends.  Then we headed north...

 Same suit, same dress, but quite a different set of friends.  In fact, there was only one BR representative (thanks Kyla)
Lots of relatives (Ben and Maddie)...
 We cooked and ate together...

 Played in the woods...

 Enjoyed the young children (who are young adults now, driving, working, traveling...)

 We stayed in cabins and walked in the chilly air to the wedding...
 Danced in the woods...
And enjoyed the blessings of many friends...  Well, good memories, glad we found a few and hope you enjoy the memories.  It has been a very good decade and we are thankful for the wonderful family and friends and the new memories we've made.  Blessings to all.


  1. David enjoyed the memories these pictures brought back. Made me wish I could have known you then!

  2. So much fun! I'll try to get the photos I have from your wedding scanned soon.
