Wednesday, December 26, 2012

A day (or more) at the beach

We were invited to spend a night on the beach, so we spent three days by the time it was all over, eating locally caught fish, still flipping when we bought them from the locals; sea kayaking and playing in the waves, enjoying the swimming pool (a bit cool), the lively breeze from a norte coming through, and finding a sad sea turtle on the beach...
 Breakfast of hazelnut spread with six cousins... palm trees in the background swaying in the breeze...
Then (below) for a morning swim in the pool.

 After that we might wander down to the beach and see what's happening...  We enjoyed the kindness of friends lending us use of their lovely place (4 story private retreat on the north coast of Yucatan).  Fully furnished with beautiful furniture, dishes, tilework and sculptures...

The theme of the house was predominantly dolphins with lively Yucatecan art, but shells really predominated.  We had a lovely time.  Thanks to all...
Overall, it was wonderful.  Hard to put the gorgeousness of the cool nights with the amazing stars, walks along the beach, the scent of fresh grilled fish cooked on a bonfire, the taste of coconuts Uncle B climbed the palms and pulled down, but we'll give it a try...

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