Sunday, December 16, 2012

Los Angeles

No, not ellay California, but the angels surrounding us.  What a blessing.

We are enjoying the festivities of various mission churches with names like Nueva Jerusalen (new Jerusalem), Dios es amor (God is love), and others in the area.  Some of the people at each church are old friends, some are friends from older generations - people who grew up with B and her siblings and are now parents bringing their children...

 The crew on the stairs.  The green is a bit of a safety addition to the railing to avoid falls.  Whatever the appearance, they are all quite happy.
 Kitchen activities include checking the web on the minicomputer, sewing, drawing, reading and even food related activities.  The food has been local, tasty, educational and very creative.  In addition to wonderful local fruit (bananas from the yard, pineapples, fresh orange juice and other citrus, papaya...) Oma is as creative as Mom...  today we had sopa de calabasa con champinons y tomates secas.  Yes, pumpkin soup with mushrooms and dried tomatoes.  I almost missed out on this delicacy due to being a bit indelicate with my tongue.  It was very tasty!  We are enjoying our visit.

 Three generations of car-fixers contributed to getting the VW going again.  Tie rod replacement, including some custom built tools to remove and then reinstall components that rightly should have been pressed were an interesting experiment in ingenuity. Opa did the welding and cutting, Dad helped with installation and measurement and D helped torque the bolts but was careful to keep his body in a safe location.  We did a fairly successful alignment once components were installed, bled the brakes and took it for a successful test drive (Mom only found out D went on the test drive after he was safely home).
 So there are our angels. Remember your many angels and enjoy every minute.  Blessings to all with love.
More to come soon!  Feliz Navidad and Merry Christmas to all!

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