Sunday, December 16, 2012

Viva Mexico

Hola amigos!

We are enjoying our stay in Mexico and sharing our time with Oma and Opa, tios and tias, primos and primas, amigos...

 We are enjoying the local botany and wildlife (we are the local wildlife?)
 The colors are rich and varied.  These bananas range from a deep green to a bold yellow, while the pico de gallo (rooster's tail) include bold red, orange, yellow and green.
 What did I say about wildlife?  The children are enjoying the freedom and new sights, sounds, flavors and friends at Oma's  The Mayans are great workers in stone, brick, rock and concrete.
 OK, now for some real wildlife.  The good Dr. Wilson could tell us more but we can attest to the variety and interest of the ants (and other insects) in addition to the rich plant life.  Here one variety enjoys the pico de gallo (below).
Our Spanish is actually in need of some improvement.  But here we do have a chance to try for some of that.  Botany, linguistics, anthropology, and archaeology, not to mention theology and literature are all on the list.  This should be an educational visit.

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