Monday, April 15, 2013

Bluebonnet swamp

We took a trip to the library to get books (and tax forms, yes, we are still using the old fashioned paper...)  and got more than we bargained for... the 20th anniversary of the library involved a party, dulcimers, music, talk, food, and a hike in the adjacent Bluebonnet Swamp... Lovely day!
 J got going "on his own" as per 2 year old activity...  but as I said, it all started at the library, which is enjoyed by a wide variety of patrons as suggested below.  It is actually one of the more diverse places in town...  Free food levels the playing field... 

 On the other hand, these creatures made a rather "unlevel" field (crawfish burrow in swamp)
 And these people took a little break after their walking adventures. It was a lovely day and many people enjoyed the swamp

 Note the fluted bases of these trees.  Gums and cypress are adapted to live in the swamp, with the wide bases helping enhance stability and perhaps regulate oxygen uptake...  J was just having fun, more of a run than a walk...  Well, we enjoyed the swamp!

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