Monday, April 15, 2013

Plants in the spring...

We love plants at our house...
 Aloe and mint and oxalis are all growing, and it seems a fair fight... The aloe is tough and spiky, the mint grows fast in the cool weather but then dies back later in the summer and the oxalis (with edible flowers) grows in between and is hard to kill but beautiful in its own way.  Below, we see one of the figs coming on nicely...

 Here at the edge of the lawn, cilantro has self seeded, with more oxalis growing through the monkey grass.  Go ahead and eat the lawn... (I actually pulled one whole cilantro plant and chopped it into a nice salsa...)  Below we see some "construction" (or destruction?)  which we hope solves some drainage issues without destroying the live oak or other plants across the street...

 And here is what you can make with what you grow... Some lovely homegrown lettuce and greens and some eggs from the chickens.  The kiwi are imported...  but maybe this year?  and below we have some lovely roses growing from our friend's grandmother's container.  Thanks!  Enjoy.

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