Sunday, April 14, 2013

The life of J

 Well, sometimes we have a theme that surrounds a particular person. This week we are featuring this artistic, lively boy, whom we will call J.
 He loves Richard Scarry, much as we did as children.  Some of these books are as old as I am, but they have a somewhat timeless quality and are always fun to share.  We are also enjoying the little "plaza" we constructed, and the plants growing nearby include mint, aloe, roses, oxalis, lettuce, peas, wisteria and camellia...  I love the color of the mint in early spring...

 Hard to catch everyone at the same moment, but here is an attempt:  lunch on the patio/plaza is just lovely...  we also had fun at the Bluebonnet Swamp, walking the boardwalk.  Amazingly enough, this is adjacent to the library, so tune in later for more...  who knew books and swamps went together?  Keep smiling, and keep exploring!

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